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The Monday night Western Kern County ARES net is held weekly on the Breckenridge Repeater, 145.150 MHz, minus offset, tone of 100.0, at 7 PM local time.
    We are always looking for additional stations to work as a Net Control operator.
    The opportunity to run the net will provide valuable experience in net operations; as you could be called upon to run a net during a call out or in the event that
the regular Net Control operator is unavailable to run the net.
    For the regular Monday ARES net, if the scheduled Net Control operator in unavailable anyone could, and should be able to pick up and run the Monday Night net.
    The link to the Net Control Script is located below on this page.



    The service area of the group covers most of Kern County, with the exception of the eastern area from the City of Ridgecrest south to Rosamond.
    Tehachapi / Bear Valley Springs and Frazier Park / Pine Mountain Club are included in our service are.
    There are area controllers assigned to the following divisions of the service area:

  • (EB) City of Bakersfield east of Highway 99
  • (SW) City of Bakersfield west of Highway 99 and south of Rosedale Highway
  • (NW) City of Bakersfield west of Highway 99 and north of Rosedale Highway
  • The area surrounding the City of Shafter
  • The area surrounding Frazier Park and Pine Mountain Club and local CERT
  • The area around Tehachapi & Bear Valley Springs
  • The area surrounding Taft

    The above area controllers breakout from the repeater and hold simplex check-ins on preassigned simplex frequencies. After the breakout sessions are complete the results are reported to net control on the repeater. The total number of check-ins is reported as well as the number of operators checking in who would be available with 2 hours notice the majority of the following week, along with any visitors.

    Separate nets are held in the following areas, or by other groups, and they report their net activity for consolidation with the above activity: Eastern Kern County ARES for Ridgecrest, California City and nearby areas Tehachapi / Bear Valley Springs and local CERT Kern River Valley Emergency Radio Communications group for the LDS Church Equipment tests on various bands and modes are performed during the net and the number of successful tests for 220Mhz, 440Mhz, 54Mhz, 28Mhz and packet are reported and logged. Visitors are invited to check in on the repeater. The repeater is made available courtesy of the Kern County Central Valley Amateur Radio Club.